<--- %%NOBANNER%% --> mcstrat.sas

/*------------------<--- Start of Description -->--------------------\
| This macro analyzes case-control studies where cases and controls  |
| are matched.  It is a replacement for the SAS Version 5 procedure  |
| PROC MCSTRAT.                                                      |
|--------------------<--- End of Description -->---------------------|
|--------------<--- Start of Files or Arguments Needed -->-----------|
| The following keyword macro parameters are used:                   |
| * DATA       Name of input dataset.                                |
|   ID         Requests that a list of sets not included in          |
|              the model be printed.  Values are YES and NO(default) |
|   COV        Requests that the covariance matrix be printed.       |
|              Values are YES and NO(default).                       |
|   OUTDATA    Names a SAS dataset to be created which contains      |
|              all observations used in the model.                   |
|   MAXITER    Specifies the maximum number of iterations to be      |
|              performed.  Default is 10.                            |
|   EPSILON    Specifies the difference in log likelihood used to    |
|              determine convergence.  Default is .000001.           |
|   UNI        Requests that univariate statistics be printed for    |
|              independent variables. Values are YES(default) and NO |
|   MINCNTL    Specifies the minimum number of controls required in  |
|              each matched set.  Default is 1.                      |
|   MINCASE    Specifies the minimum number of cases required in     |
|              each matched set.  Default is 1.                      |
| * SETID      Name of variable which identifies matched sets in     |
|              the input dataset.  Default is SETID.                 |
| * CASE       Name of the case-control indicator variable. Values   |
|              must be 1 for cases and 0 for controls.               |
| * INDVAR     Names of independent variables separated by blanks.   |
|   TABLES     List of independent variables for which you want      |
|              frequency tables.  Separate variable names with       |
|              blanks.  The variables should be 1/0 or 1/2           |
|              indicators.  The tables show how many cases and       |
|              controls had a 1 in each set.                         |
|   DIAG       Requests that output data sets containing regression  |
|              diagnostics be created.  Values are YES(default)      |
|              and NO.  Two data sets created:  one on an            |
|              individual / subject level (SUBDIAG) and one on a     |
|              matched set level (SETDIAG).                          |
|                                                                    |
|   * Required parameters:  user must supply a value.                |
|                                                                    |
|                                                                    |
|  Contents of data sets created by specifying DIAG=YES:             |
|     SUBDIAG  contains regression diagnostics on an individual      |
|              level.  Number of observations is equal to the number |
|              of observations used to fit the logistic model.       |
|              all independent variables in the logistic model       |
|              (specified in the INDVAR parameter)                   |
|              the case variable (specified in the CASE parameter)   |
|              the set id variable(specified in the SETID parameter) |
|              XI      -> model fitted values (interpreted as the    |
|                         probability the individual is a case)*     |
|              DELTAX2 -> delta chi-square statistic assessing effect|
|                         of observations on overall model fit*      |
|              INFL    -> influence statistic assessing effect of    |
|                         observation on overall model fit*          |
|              HAT     -> leverage value*                            |
|              LD      -> likelihood displacement statistic assessing|
|                         effect of observation on overal model fit**|
|              LMAX    -> LMAX statistic assessing effect of         |
|                         observation on overall model fit**         |
|              D(var)  -> delta-beta (DFBETA) statistic assessing    |
|                         effect of observation on a particular      |
|                         covariate in the model. (var) corresponds  |
|                         to first seven characters in the variable  |
|                         name for that particular covariate. One    |
|                         diagnostic for each variable in the model**|
|              S(var)  -> scaled DFBETA statistics, created by       |
|                         dividing original DFBETA by coefficient    |
|                         standard error from the estimated          |
|                         covariance matrix**                        |
|                                                                    |
|     SETDIAG  contains sums of values from SUBDIAG data set         |
|              (summed over all observations in matched set).  Number|
|              of observations is equal to the number of matched sets|
|              used to fit logistic model.                           |
|              the setid variable (specified in the SETID parameter) |
|              DELTAX2 -> sum of DELTAX2 diagnostics from SUBDIAG    |
|                         data set                                   |
|              INFL    -> sum of INFL diagnostics from SUBDIAG       |
|                         data set                                   |
|              HAT     -> sum of leverage diagnostics from SUBDIAG   |
|                         data set                                   |
|              LD      -> sum of LD diagnostics from SUBDIAG         |
|                         data set                                   |
|              LMAX    -> sum of LMAX diagnostics from SUBDIAG       |
|                         data set                                   |
|              D(var)  -> sum of DFBETA diagnostics for a            |
|                         particular covariate from SUBDIAG data     |
|                         set.  One diagnostic for each variable in  |
|                         the model.                                 |
|---------------<--- End of Files or Arguments Needed -->------------|
|----------------<--- Start of Example and Usage -->-----------------|
| Example:                                                           |
|    Low birth weight data set (LOWWGT).  Cases are mothers of       |
|    low birth weight babies, controls are age-matched mothers of    |
|    normal birth weight babies. Three controls matched to each case.|
|    Variable CASE distinguishes cases from controls (cases have     |
|    value of 1, controls 0). Independent variables are SMOKE, UI,   |
|    PTD, LWD. Set id variable is SET. User wants descriptive        |
|    statistics to be printed for each independent variable.  User   |
|    wants data sets of diagnostics to be created.  User wants       |
|    frequency tables for variables SMOKE and UI.  Macro call is as  |
|    follows...                                                      |
|    %mcstrat(data=lowwgt,setid=set,indvar=smoke ui ptd lwd,         |
|             case=case, uni=yes, diag=yes, tables=smoke ui)         |
|                                                                    |
| The following dataset names are reserved and should not be used    |
| by the calling program:                                            |
|    __badset  __caco  __dat  __dat1  __out1  __out2  __out3         |
|    __out4  __out5  __tab  __xbeta  __hat                           |
|    subdiag setdiag                                                 |
|                                                                    |
| The following variable names are reserved and should not be used   |
| by the calling program:                                            |
|    __case1  __cntl1  __del  __df1-__dfn (n=# of indep. variables)  |
|    __sco1-__scon  __sch1-__schn                                    |
|    __name  __ncase  __ncntl  __nobs  __nsets  __ratio  __tcase     |
|    __tcntl  __time  __tused  n_case  n_cntl  __sumr  __suml __sumld|
|    __sumi __sumh  __sumd1-__sumdn  __sums1-__sumsn lmax ld deltax2 |
|    infl hat xi                                                     |
|    any name which would be the first 7 characters of an independent|
|    variable name prefixed with the letter s                        |
|    any name which would be the first 7 characters of an independent|
|    variable name prefixed with the letter d                        |
| Usage: %mcstrat(data=,id=no,cov=no,outdata=,maxiter=10,            |
|             epsilon=.000001,uni=yes,mincntl=1,mincase=1,           |
|             setid=setid,case=,indvar=,tables=,diag=yes);           |
| Reference:                                                         |
| *  for more information see Hosmer DW and Lemeshow S.  Applied     |
|    Logistic Regression.  New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1989.|
| ** for more information see SAS Institute Inc. SAS/STAT Software:  |
|    Changes and Enhancements through Release 6.12.  Cary, NC: SAS   |
|    Institute, Inc., 1997, pp. 895-900 (the PHREG procedure).       |
\-------------------<--- End of Example and Usage -->---------------*/
%macro mcstrat(data=,id=no,cov=no,outdata=,maxiter=10,
| Author:  Rob Vierkant and Jon Kosanke;      |
| Created: December 6, 1999;                  |
| Purpose: Analyzes case-control studies where|
|          cases and controls are matched.  It|
|          is a replacement for SAS Version 5 |
|          procedure PROC MCSTRAT.            |
   %****local macro parameters;
   %local i t ntab err nobsorig nobsused setsorig setsused ls
          name newname tabvar;

   %****adjusting macro parameters and checking for errors;
   %let id=%upcase(&id);
   %let cov=%upcase(&cov);
   %let uni=%upcase(&uni);
   %let setid=%upcase(&setid);
   %let case=%upcase(&case);
   %let indvar=%upcase(&indvar);
   %let tables=%upcase(&tables);
   %let diag=%upcase(&diag);
   %let err=0;
   %if %length(&data)=0 %then %do;
      %let err=1;
   %if &id ^= NO & &id ^= N & &id ^= YES & &id ^= Y %then %do;
      %put 'ERROR: ID MUST BE YES OR NO';
      %let err=1;
   %if &cov ^= NO & &cov ^= N & &cov ^= YES & &cov ^= Y %then %do;
      %put 'ERROR: COV MUST BE YES OR NO';
      %let err=1;
   %if &uni ^= NO & &uni ^= N & &uni ^= YES & &uni ^= Y %then %do;
      %put 'ERROR: UNI MUST BE YES OR NO';
      %let err=1;
   %if &diag ^= NO & &diag ^= N & &diag ^= YES & &diag ^= Y %then %do;
      %let err=1;
   %if %length(&case)=0 %then %do;
      %let err=1;
   %if %length(&indvar)=0 %then %do;
      %let err=1;
   %if %length(&setid)=0 %then %do;
      %let err=1;

   %****small macro used later on in the program;
   %macro var;
      %do i=1 %to &numvars;
   %mend var;

   %****count independent vars and set up macro variables
   %let numvars=0;
   %do %until(%scan(&indvar,&numvars+1,' ')= );
      %let numvars=%eval(&numvars+1);
      %let var&numvars=%scan(&indvar,&numvars,' ');
      %local var&numvars varb&numvars;

   %****create 7 character variable used to later name individual
        delta-betas and scaled delta-betas;
   %do i=1 %to &numvars;
      %if %length(&&var&i)=8 %then %do;
         %let varb&i=%substr(&&var&i,1,7);
      %else %let varb&i=&&var&i;

   ****determines title number to use in output;
   proc sql;
    reset noprint;
    select max(number) into:t from dictionary.titles where type='T';
   %let t=%eval(&t+2);
   %if %eval(&t)>10 %then %let t=10;

   %****if no errors then produce output;
   %if &err=0 %then %do;
      %do i=1 %to &numvars;
         %local se&i;
      %let ntab=0;
      %do %until(%scan(&tables,&ntab+1,' ')= );
         %let ntab=%eval(&ntab+1);

      ****format for cases and controls;
      proc format;
         value x 0='Control'

      ****original data set;
      data __dat1; set &data;
      proc sort; by &setid &case;

      ****macro parameters for # of original observations and sets;
      data _null_; set __dat1 end=eof; by &setid;
         if first.&setid then __nsets+1;
         if eof;
         call symput('nobsorig',trim(left(put(__nobs,6.))));
         call symput('setsorig',trim(left(put(__nsets,6.))));

      ****creating time variable, deleting observations with
          missing values;
      data __dat1; set __dat1;
         %do i=1 %to &numvars;
            if &&var&i=. then delete;

      ****finding numbers of cases and controls in each matched set,
          and determining if each least as many as required;
      data __badset; set __dat1; by &setid &case;
         keep &setid;
         retain __ncntl __ncase;
         if first.&setid then do;
         if &case ^in (0 1) then __del=1;
         if __del=0 & &case=0 then __ncntl+1;
         if __del=0 & &case=1 then __ncase+1;
         if last.&setid then do;
            if __ncntl<&mincntl | __ncase<&mincase then output;

      ****merging numbers of cases and controls back in with original
          data, and deleting sets without required number of cases
          and controls;
      data __dat;
         merge __dat1 __badset(in=inb); by &setid;
         if inb then delete;

      ****creates data set that includes all observations used in
          analysis (if data set name for outdata is specified);
      %if &outdata^= %then %do;
         data &outdata; set __dat;
          drop __time;

      ****determines current linesize option;
      proc sql;
         reset noprint;
         select setting into:ls from dictionary.options
         where optname='LINESIZE';

      ****macro parameters of number of observations and sets used
          in analysis;
      data _null_; set __dat end=eof; by &setid;
         if first.&setid then __nsets+1;
         if eof;
         call symput('nobsused',trim(left(put(__nobs,6.))));
         call symput('setsused',trim(left(put(__nsets,6.))));

      ****summarizing number of cases and controls in each set to
          be placed in table later;
      proc freq data=__dat noprint;
         tables &setid*&case/out=__out1;
      data __caco; set __out1 end=eof; by &setid;
         keep &setid __ncase __ncntl;
         retain __ncase __ncntl;
         if first.&setid then do;
         if &case=0 then __ncntl=count;
         if &case=1 then __ncase=count;
         if last.&setid;

      ****printing table describing matched sets;
      proc freq noprint;
         tables __ncase*__ncntl/out=__out2;
      data _null_; set __out2 end=eof;
         file print;
         if _n_=1 then do;
            put @((&ls-60)/2)
            put @((&ls-60)/2) 60*'=';
            put / @((&ls-14)/2)
            "SETID = &setid";
            put @((&ls-30)/2)
            "CASE/CONTROL INDICATOR = &case";
            put // @((&ls-30)/2)
            "# OF OBSERVATIONS READ = &nobsorig";
            put @((&ls-30)/2)
            "# OF OBSERVATIONS USED = &nobsused";
            put @((&ls-30)/2)
            "# OF MATCHED SETS READ = &setsorig";
            put @((&ls-30)/2)
            "# OF MATCHED SETS USED = &setsused";
            put /// @((&ls-32)/2)
            put @((&ls-32)/2) 32*'=';
            put / @((&ls-38)/2)
            '# CASES   # CONTROLS   # MATCHED SETS';
            put @((&ls-38)/2)
            '=======   ==========   ==============';
         put  @((&ls-38)/2)
         __ncase 7. +6 __ncntl 7. +10 count 7.;
         if eof then do;
            put @((&ls-38)/2)
            put @((&ls-38)/2) __tcase 7. +6 __tcntl 7. +10 __tused 7.;

      ****printing univariate statistics for matched sets, if requested;
      %if &uni=YES | &uni=Y %then %do;
         proc means data=__dat;
            class &case;
            var %var;
            format &case x.;
            title&t 'Univariate Statistics for Matched Sets Used';

      ****creating additional tables of case and control data;
      %if not(&tables=) %then %do;
         %do i=1 %to &ntab;
            %let tabvar=%scan(&tables,&i);
            data __tab;
               merge __dat __caco; by &setid;
               retain __case1 __cntl1;
               if first.&setid then do;
               if &case=0 & &tabvar=1 then __cntl1+1;
               if &case=1 & &tabvar=1 then __case1+1;
               if last.&setid;
               __ratio=compbl(put(__ncase,5.) || ' : '
                       || put(__ncntl,5.));
            proc freq noprint;
               tables __ratio*__case1*__cntl1/out=__out3;
            proc tabulate format=12.;
               class __cntl1 __ratio __case1;
               var count;
               table __ratio*__case1,__cntl1*count;
               keylabel n=' ' sum=' ';
               label __ratio='Case-Control Ratio'
                     __case1='# Cases'
                     __cntl1='# Controls';
               title&t "# Cases vs. # Controls Per Matched Set Where &tabvar=1";

      ****PHREG procedure to fit discrete logistic model to data;
      proc phreg data=__dat nosummary
      %if &diag=YES | &diag=Y %then %do;
         covout outest=__out4
       model __time*&case(0)=%var / ties=discrete itprint
             %if &cov^=NO & &cov ^=N %then %do;
             maxiter=&maxiter convergelike=&epsilon risklimits;
       strata &setid;
       %if &diag=YES | &diag=Y %then %do;

              ****output data set containing diagnostics;
              output out=__out5(drop=__time)
              dfbeta=__df1-__df&numvars xbeta=xbeta lmax=lmax ld=ld
              ressco=__sco1-__sco&numvars resmart=resmart;

              title&t 'Results of Modeling';

          ****standard errors necessary for calculating scaled DFBETAs;
          data __out4; set __out4;
             if _type_='COV';
             drop _ties_ _type_ _name_ _lnlike_;
          data _null_; set __out4;
             array cov(&numvars) %var;
             __name='se' || left(put(_n_,5.));
             call symput(__name,sqrt(cov(_n_)));

      ****create fitted values and covariates centered about
          weighted-specific mean, to be used in Hosmer and Lemeshow
      proc sort data=__out5; by &setid &case;
      data __xbeta (drop=__df1-__df&numvars __sco1-__sco&numvars
                    lmax ld);
         set __out5 nobs=last;
         by &setid &case;

         ****fitted values xi;

         ****covariates centered about weighted-specific mean;
         %do i=1 %to &numvars;
         call symput('nobs',trim(left(put(last,6.))));

      ****matrix manipulations in PROC IML;
      proc iml;

         ****create matrix of covariate vectors centered about
             weighted-specific mean;
         use __xbeta;
         read all var {
            %do i=1 %to &numvars;
         } into x;
         close __xbeta;

         ****create covariance matrix;
         use __out4;
         read all var {
            %do i=1 %to &numvars;
         } into h;

         ****create hat matrix and output diagonal elements to data
             set hat;
         create __hat var {hat};
         append from hat;

         close __hat __out4;

      ****merge the xbeta data set and the hat data set together
          to create delta chi square, delta beta, leverage values,
          and fitted values as seen in Hosmer and Lemeshow;
      data subdiag (keep=&setid &case xbeta lmax ld xi deltax2 hat infl
         %do i=1 %to &numvars;
            &&var&i d&&varb&i s&&varb&i
         merge __out5 __xbeta __hat;

         ****leverage values;

         ****square of standardized Pearson residual;

         ****influence statistic;

         label deltax2='delta chi-square'
               infl='overall influence statistic'
               lmax='LMAX global influence statistic'
               ld='likelihood displacement'
               hat='leverage value from hat matrix'
               xi='fitted values';

         ****individual regular and scaled influence statistics;
         %do i=1 %to &numvars;
            label d&&varb&i="delta beta for variable &&var&i"
                  s&&varb&i="scaled delta beta for variable &&var&i";

      ****sum above variables over entire stratum;
      proc sort data=subdiag; by &setid; run;
      data setdiag (drop=__sumr __sumi __suml __sumld __sumh
                         xbeta xi &case
         %do i=1 %to &numvars;
            __sumd&i &&var&i s&&varb&i
         set subdiag; by &setid;
         if first.&setid then do;
            __sumr=0; __sumi=0; __suml=0; __sumld=0; __sumh=0;
            %do i=1 %to &numvars;
         %do i=1 %to &numvars;
         retain __sumr __sumi __suml __sumld __sumh
         %do i=1 %to &numvars;
         if last.&setid then do;

             %do i=1 %to &numvars;


            label deltax2='sum of delta chi-square'
                  infl='sum of overall influence statistic'
                  lmax='sum of LMAX values'
                  ld='sum of likelihood displacement'
                  hat='sum of leverage values'

                  %do i=1 %to &numvars;
                     d&&varb&i="sum of delta beta for &&var&i"

       %if &id=YES | &id=Y %then %do;
          ****prints out sets not used in model;
          proc print data=__badset;
          title&t 'Sets not included in model';
      proc datasets lib=work;
       delete __badset __caco __dat __dat1 __out1 __out2 __out3 __out4
              __tab __xbeta __hat;
      run; quit;
%mend mcstrat;